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International Society of Go Studies

Influence Mechanism of Behavior Intention for Amateur Go players' Participation

Sun Yuan /April 13, 2023

How to cite this article:
Sun, Y., (2023). Influence Mechanism of Behavior Intention for Amateur Go players' Participation. Journal of Go Studies, 17(1), 11-31. doi: 10.62578/619074

      From the perspective of participation motivation, this paper studies the relationship between amateur Go players' participation motivation and behavioral intention, and constructs a theoretical model of the association between participation motivation, perceived value, social support and behavioral intention. An empirical test was carried out on its influencing mechanism, using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that: the hypotheses of the relationship between participation motivation, perceived value and behavioral intention were significantly supported; perceived value played a complete mediating effect between participation motivation and behavioral intention; the moderating effect of social support was partially supported.

Keywords: Amateur Go players, Participation motivation, Behavioral intentions, Influence mechanism


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